Monday, May 28, 2012

Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters

In the end, the boys all get rescued by a naval officer. Ironically, he came to the island because he saw the smoke and fire that was burning the whole island down. Ralph is also saved and extremely happy to be going home. Although I am happy that all the boys got saved, I wonder if the boys in Jack's group, the savage ones and Jack, ever became civil again.

Chapter 11: Castle Rock

After reading this chapter I think the boys have gone too far. First off, they killed Piggy on purpose and he is the second boy they have killed. Second, they attacked Ralph, who escaped into the forest. I think the boys will eventually kill Ralph. Furthermore, the boys are forgetting all the rules and about going home, the only think they care about now is killing. In conclusion, I think that a lot more of them will die.

Piggy being killed by the bolder  

Chapter 10: The Shell and the Glasses

In chapter ten, I think the boys future is looking bleak. They have split into two groups. Furthermore the only one who is willing to admit that they killed Simon is Ralph. Everyone else is saying that it was an accident or it was the beast that disguised himself to look like Simon. Jacks group stole Piggy's glasses, so they can start fires. In conclusion I think that Jack's tribe will destroy the island and everyone on it if they keep acting barbaric.

Piggy's glasses

Chapter 9: A View to a Death

In this chapter all hope of being civilized is lost and the boys are all savage. Jack created his own tribe and most of the boys joined because it seemed more fun. All of the rules they once had have been forgotten and they are more barbaric. They killed Simon because they thought he was the beast. I think that this is an example of how savage they really are. Also I think that they should have at least noticed that it was Simon they were killing and not the beast. In conclusion, I think that a lot more boys are going to die on the island.

This picture show the boys acting savage and barbaric

Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness

In chapter eight the boys split into two groups; one with Ralph as their leader and one with Jack as their leader. The boys aren't working together anymore and that will make it harder for both groups to survive. Each group only cares about themselves and as a result Jack's group starts to steal from Ralph's group. Also more of the boys are joining Jack's group because they think he has more fun and more food. However, I think that the boys will become more savage like Jack is. Furthermore, Simon starts to hallucinate and hears voices from the "Lord of the Flies", dead pigs head. In conclusion, I think the Lord of the Flies represents the evil that lives on the island and in the boys.

This is the pig that Jack's hunters sacrificed for the beast and the Lord of the Flies
 that Simon talks to later in the forest.

Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees

In this chapter it is obvious that the boys are becoming more uncivilized and savage. When the boys went to go look for the beast they all became distracted and went after a pig instead. Also they were becoming so enthralled with killing the pig that when they reenacted it they didn't notice that they were hurting one of the boys. Even Ralph and Piggy, who were more civilized, got caught up in the moment. This is an example of how the boys are becoming more savage-like and are hurting each other without even realizing it. In conclusion, I think that this will result in one of the boys getting seriously hurt or killed when they are playing another "game".

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chapter 6: Beast From Air

In chapter six, the fear of the beast on the island is more intense. Most of the boys believe in it and think it will hurt them. I think that the beast is real but not as bad as they claim it to be. The twins Sam and Eric thought they saw and claimed they were attacked by the beast when they were tending to the fire. Therefore the boys set off to try and kill it. They kept getting distracted and Ralph had to keep reminding them what they were doing. I don't think the boys will ever find any beast on the island. I think when the boys find the parachute they will think that someone else is on the island and try and find them. Overall, the fear of the beast is manipulating the boys.

The parachute Sam and Eric found in the tree

Chapter 5: Beast from the Water

In chapter five, the boys were listening to Ralph less and starting to follow Jack more. First, the boys never do what they say. Most of them said they were going to build the huts and keep the fire going, but Ralph and Simon were the only ones to build the huts and the fire kept going out. The boys also followed Jack when he left the meeting, Piggy and Simon were the only ones to stay with Ralph. Jack would not be a good leader for the boys because he is becoming more barbaric and Ralph is pretty much the only civil one on the island that is willing to be the Chief and if the boys follow Jack they also will become more uncivil. Overall, the boys should stay with Ralph because he will try to get them off the island while Jack will just try and convince them there is no better place other than the island.

Jack and the boys walking away from Ralph, Simon, and Piggy

Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair

In chapter four, the boys started to show who they really were. Ralph was really trying to get the boys off the island but Jack didn't care about that. The only thing Jack cared about was killed a pig. He started to act savage-like and i think that painting his face symbolized that. He was blending into the surround forest and was turning wild. Also, some of the older boys were acting out. They destroyed the sand castles that the younger boys built and threw rocks at them. In conclusion, the boys were starting to act like savages and Ralph was having a hard time trying to control them.

The pig Jack killed 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chapter 3: Huts on the Beach


In chapter three you can tell that the tension is growing between the boys. First, everyone isn't doing there fair share of work. Ralph and Simon are the only ones trying to build the huts, everyone else is off playing or trying to kill a pig. As a result, the shelters aren't getting built and nothing is getting done. Also, Jack and Ralph keep disagreeing on what is more important, building the shelters or killing a pig. I think that they should forget about the pig for now and concentrate on making the huts, they don't need the pig right away it can wait because they can eat fruits. Unless Jack and Ralph agree which is more important nothing is going to get done and then things will get worse.

The huts that Ralph and Simon are trying to build

Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain


In chapter two it is shown how the boys deal with their problems. Most of them act without thinking of the consequences. When Ralph said they need to make a fire they all ran without knowing where to go or how they were going to get it started. Then they stole Piggy's glasses without even asking him. That just shows how uncivil children can be when they have no guidance as to what is right and wrong. In the end, they get the fire going but it leads to a missing boy and the forest being on fire. Overall, I think the boys need to think before they act and have more rules to guide them.

A picture of a forest on fire

Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell


After reading chapter one, a lot can be discovered about the boys. First off, nobody but Ralph and Piggy seem to care that they are alone on a island in the middle of nowhere. I also think that sense Ralph was declared leader and Jack wanted to be leader too, that there will be a power struggle later on in the book. However, Ralph did give Jack permission to lead the choir boys,  who were probably going to follow him anyways. Ralph is not the best trusted leader however, he told all the boys about Piggy's name after he promised that he wouldn't. Overall, I think that there will be a lot of struggles to come on the island.

This video reminds me of Piggy because it's a pig wearing glasses